Find The Right Credit Card For You
Find a credit card suited to your every need, including benefits, rewards, special offers, and competitive fees.
With your MasterCard Platinum Credit Card, you can unlock new possibilities with every tap. Not only getting the experience of the most competitive fees on the market, but you would gain the access to over 1,100 airport lounges worldwide as a holder of one of the world’s most prestigious credit cards. Make your dreams a reality with MasterCard Platinum, and join us in securing a prosperous tomorrow for our world.
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Find a credit card suited to your every need, including benefits, rewards, special offers, and competitive fees.
Pay your credit card via Online Banking or by any ATM Card, at any Al Baraka branches or through direct debit service.
Invest only BD 50 in your alBarakat Account and enter the monthly draw to win cash prizes throughout the year.